Michal Mitro: Edge of Chaos
Vašulka Kitchen Brno and Bastl Instruments present
Michal Mitro, an audiovisual artist, is coming to the Kitchen to present his interactive no-input audio instalation Edge of Chaos.
Michal Mitro aka plankton vs flying animal is visual artist, composer and performer operating and collaborating on the edge of visual and sonic art, utilising space and time as main medium of expression. In recent years, he's been discovering a great source of inspiration in a field of physics, electro-technics and biology. Combining that with his Social science background resulted in materialising some surprisingly fitting socio-political tropes.
Together with his colleague Sursur of THE MANIFESTO (“the new new media art collective” we established) he's been researching mediation of trans-sensory experience - translating and appropriating information from one sensual category into another.
Mitro performed, exhibited and presented internationally, most notably in MONA, Tasmania; Trafo, Budapest; AV Depot, London; LPM, Amsterdam and Rome; MTF, Stockholm; Jogja Noise Bombing, Indonesia; Art & Tech Days, Sensorium and Nuit Blanche, Slovakia; Genius Loci and Generate festivals, Germany; KoresponDance festival, Czech Republic.
About the Edge of Chaos:
This work is yet another practical demonstration of Mitro's interest in semi-closed or rather self-sufficient and re-generative systems combined with exploration of space as an medium of expression. Four-times no-input setup is built of four condenser microphones directed at four active speakers respectively. Feeding audio input back to its output ad infinitum creates a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop. The notion of cause-and-effect has to be handled carefully when applied to feedback systems as:
“Simple causal reasoning about a feedback system is difficult because the first system influences the second and second system influences the first, leading to a circular argument. This makes reasoning based upon cause and effect tricky, and it is necessary to analyze the system as a whole.”
It is hypothesised that dynamical systems with feedback can experience an adaptation to the edge of chaos. This term is used to denote a transition space between order and disorder a region of bounded instability that engenders a constant dynamic interplay between the opposing poles. This work creates a framework for such phenomena to occur and for audience to enter this realm and add to (or subtract from) it.