Robert Horvitz AGAINST MEDIA ART + book launch: Sounds, Code, Images (ed. Jitka Hlaváčková, Miloš Vojtěchovský)
- Online stream on Facebook Vašulka Kitchen Brno
We are preparing a lecture by Robert Horvitz, an American theorist living in Prague. More information soon.
Robert Horvitz was born on April 4, 1947 in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He completed a bachelor’s degree at Yale University. In addition to exhibiting his drawings since 1970, he devoted himself intensively to theoretical, editorial and pedagogical work. From 1972 to 1976, he contributed to Artforum magazine, and in 1977 became the art editor of CoEvolution Quarterly magazine (published as the Whole Earth Review since the early 1980s), featuring conceptual and earth art works. In the early1980s Horvitz also began reporting on the politics of radio spectrum access for Radio Netherlands. In 1991, he moved to Prague to help new radio stations start broadcasting, working for the Soros Foundations as their regional specialist for electronic media development. He has lived in Prague ever since. After Soros he managed the Global Internet Policy Initiative, which worked to expand public access and affordability of the Internet in 20 emerging democracies (from Albania to Vietnam). Since 2008 he has been advising the European Commission on radio spectrum policy reform, and is now advising Czech clients on the future of television and telecommunications.
Problém je spíš v umění než v médiu. Umění za sebou táhne těžký náklad: jsou zde různí gatekeepeři, znalci, teoretici, otázky restaurování a sběratelství. Současné umění vypadá jako přecpaná subkultura, jako vytápěný skleník s nejrůznějšími, vzájemně sdílenými zájmy a hodnotami. Umění je ale také chráněný prostor, který - až do okamžiku, kdy se elektronická média stala nástrojem osobní potřeby - možnosti a dopady nástrojů filmu a videa po desetiletí přehlížel. Změňte kontext, jestli chcete udělat něco užitečného.
Robert Horvitz
Important: The lecture will be preceded at 16:00 by the launch of the collective monograph Sounds, Codes, Images (ed. Jitka Hlaváčková and Miloš Vojtěchovský), which maps the border between image and sound, especially the area where visual art and music meet. The launch of the book will be accompanied by a short sound performance by the Brno artist Jiří Suchánek. The book is a follow-up to the exhibition Sounds, Codes, Images held by Prague City Gallery in 2019.
We ask visitors to observe all current safety precautions: a) In the Brno House of Arts and the Vasulka Kitchen Brno it is only possible to move around with covered mouth and nose with a respirator of at least class FF2 and keep a distance of 1.5 meters between each other. b) Entry to the events is subject to proof of infection-free status. Visitors must comply with one of the following three conditions: - at least 14 days have elapsed since the 2nd dose of vaccination -having contracted COVID-19 disease (immunity is valid for 180 days). The test is still open to people under 18 years of age, people who have not completed their vaccinations, or those who, according to a doctor’s note, cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. An exception in proving applies to children under 12 years of age. If the number of participants (including organizers) exceeds twenty people, children must also prove themselves by an infection-free test. Thank you for your understanding.
The programme can be realized with the financial help of the Statutory City of Brno and the Ministery of Culture of Czech republic.