The Metabolising Analogue Michaela Davidová
11 December 2024 –16 February 2025
19 videos
The Video-Multimedia-Performance (VMP) archive project developed during 2024 at Vašulka Kitchen Brno presents a segment of the extensive body of work created throughout the existence of the VMP department established in 1992 during the founding of a new Czech Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology (FaVU). The faculty would later expand to include dedicated studios to the mediums of Multimedia, Video, and Photography which saw the transformation of the studio from Video-Multimedia-Performance to the Photo-Performance studio and ultimately to a studio dedicated solely to Performance, one of a handful of programs dedicated exclusively to performance art in Europe.
Throughout the course of the studio's existence numerous works were developed as video art works or as video documentation of performances and events. Initially working with the most professional equipment available at the time in the region, students developed analogue video tapes utilizing U-matic ¾ inch magnetic tape and two editing suites enabling rudimentary video effects. Through the efforts of Tomáš Ruller (who became the studio lead after the untimely death of Radek Pilař during the studios first semester of existence in 1993) an extensive network of artists and personalities important to the field would present their work to the students and generously allow their work to be included in what was then the Video-Multimedia-Performance studio's modest Media Archive. Important protagonists such as Woody and Steina Vašulka, Michael Bielický, Keiko Sei, Chris Hill, Miloš Vojtěchovský, and Petr Vrána created access points to important research, audiovisual works and the latest technological approaches and software available to artists in what would later begin to be referred to as the field of New Media. The works created by students quickly moved from creation with professional, however outdated, video camera equipment and post-production in the U-matic editing suite to VHS, VHS-C, Hi8 and ultimately to complete digital creation and post-production.
The Video-Multimedia-Performance studio (until it changed leadership as the Performance Department in 2020) offered a concise curriculum which was adhered to as closely or as loosely as students chose, each was rather encouraged to pursue their individual (or collective) themes throughout the course of their studies. The breadth of work represented in the archive is an engaging blend of audiovisual pieces that span more than three decades of artistic and cultural practice during a unique sociopolitical transition period in the Czech Republic. The fund of work includes what are the earliest phases of several generations of artists exploring art and technology while also reflecting the development of their unique audiovisual syntaxes and the documentation of performative approaches to intimate and highly personal expressions and themes.
In the initial phase of the development of a dedicated archive to these works, particular titles have been chosen by Tomáš Ruller, primarily from the years 2000-2020 representing individual students and collectives formed during the studio's existence making available a representative overview of diverse video works by both individuals and creative groups from the period of their activity providing a basis for further research and curatorial work.
Additionally, Jennifer Helia DeFelice, an assistant at the studio for the majority of its existence, has laid the groundwork for a knowledge base expanding the archive to include auxillary information from the artists themselves such as biographical information, texts, interviews, and accompanying documentation.