The "artistic compact disc" COLORUM NATURAE VARIETAS was released back in 1999 in Prague and Budapest and its authors believed it was possible to compress an extensive material collection of colors and pigments of the artist and performer Miloš Šejn into about 700 MB (volume of CD-ROM medium). The architecture, design and aesthetics of the disc were based on the principles of expanded media and synesthesia - merging of text, image, sound, film and video documentation of performances into a single interconnected Archive. The project was created as a co-production between the Center for for Metamedia Plasy, the Center for Contemporary Art in Prague and C3 in Budapest.
Unfortunately, CR-Rom was at this time rather quickly disappearing from the scene, both as commercial product and artistic tool. And the rapid development of computer technology sent the Colorum Naturae Varietas to the rank of digital waste.
Miloš Vojtěchovský (born 1955 in Prague) is a curator and educator. He studied aesthetics and history of art at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University and from the mid-1970s he was engaged in experimental music and fine arts here and there. Educational and professional activities: collaboration with the Imaginary Museum Projects in Amsterdam (mediaarcheology project Orbis Pictus Revisited - ZKM 1992 -1997), he worked at the Department of Art Theory and History at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Brno University of Technology and at the Center for Audiovisual Studies at FAMU. initiator of, symposiums of the Hermit Foundation and the Center for Metamedia Plasy, Frontiers of Solitude, etc. Member of the civic asociation VKB.