Sonic Wilderness: Presentation of The Visiting Artist’s Studio at FaVU VUT (Antye Greie-Ripatti)
Brno Art Week
A collaborative project called Sonic Wilderness, prepared by a visiting artist at FaVU VUT, is shared on the Vašulka Kitchen Brno website as part of the Brno Art Week.
The Sonic Wilderness project is an invitation to create, record and listen to sounds in public spaces. In a shared project, which will be formed throughout the week, we will observe the importance of sound in the city space, how it affects our perception of a particular place and our stay in it. On the Vašulka Kitchen Brno website, we will share instructions, links and other information in a shared document, to which other interested people can join and participate in its content. In the public space of the city, we will individually search for and record sounds and noise that we do not normally perceive. The records of all participants will be part of the final project. Listen to the sounds of the city and get involved in the project!
The authors examine these questions: What is a political sound? What is collective sound? Does the sound have transformational quality? When and how has sound been used in the past to express dissent, protests or calls for transformation? How can we sound together and decolonize our practice as an individualistic form or expression? What technology can we engage, develop or hack? The project will run throughout the week on the Vašulka Kitchen website.
Sonic Wilderness is a project by The Visiting Artist’s Studio at FaVU VUT – Antye Greie-Ripatti is an audio sculptress, composer, sound artist & curator/facilitator of sound art, poemproducer & intersectional feminist networker. Her work emphasises language, sound, listening, voice and politics and can be summarised as Feminist Sonic Technologies expressed in mixed media, audiovisual live performances, digital communication, sound installations, commissions for radio, movies, theatres and online.